Polaris Environmental Consultants Ltd (Polaris) is an employee owned consulting firm based in the Metropolitan Vancouver area of British Columbia providing environmental management, planning, and permitting services to a variety of sectors including the transportation industry, construction contractors, developers, crown corporations, and all levels of government. Polaris is led by Peter Frederiksen who has over 30 years of experience in environmental consulting and is registered environmental technologist in BC and Alberta, as well as a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC). We specialize in projects involving aquatic and riparian habitat assessments, environmental management and permitting, habitat restoration and habitat compensation. Polaris has the experience and expertise to deliver multi-disciplinary assessments, and are proud of our ability to implement cost-effective solutions for smaller projects. Our goal is to work closely with our clients to implement innovative and cost effective solutions for their projects.
Polaris is committed to completing all our projects safely and in compliance with applicable workplace regulations including but not limited to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (OHSR) and the Workers Compensation Act. All of our staff are certified in Occupation First Aid and have training in Spill Response, the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG), the Workplace Hazardous Information System (WHMIS), and other training as required for specific tasks. Training and other certifications are maintained and updated as required through ongoing professional development.
Prior to commencing work project activities are reviewed to evaluate potential hazards, and identify the suitable controls to reduce or eliminate risks. This information is documented in a pre-project job hazard analysis, and reviewed with field personnel and other contractors at the start of the project. Job hazards and procedures are then reviewed daily while the work proceeds or as required if new task or activities commence.
Polaris is registered and in good standing with WorkSafeBC and carries comprehensive professional, and third party liability insurance, as well as commercial property, and automobile coverage. Proof of insurance is available to all our clients on request.
Polaris is proud of our membership and affiliations with various professional organizations and we are committed to maintaining our professional standards through ongoing accreditation, and certification. These professional memberships also reflect our ethical and moral accountability standards to protect the public interest.
Applied Science Technologists & Technicians of British Columbia (ASTTBC)
Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta (ASET)
Erosion Sediment Control Association of British Columbia (ESCA BC)
Erosion Sediment Control Association of Canada (ESCA Canada)
International Erosion Control Association (IECA)
Polaris Environmental Consultants is committed to conserving natural resources and delivering service that promote effective stewardship of the environment. To make environmental management an integral core value and vital part our corporate culture Polaris will:
Promote and implement the principles of reduce, re-use, and recycle
Promote pollution prevention and conservation of natural habitats
Promote the effective use of innovative environmental technologies and practices
Inform employees, associates and clients about applicable environmental regulations, guidelines and best management practices
Consider the potential environmental consequences of our actions and implement controls to minimize the risk of adverse consequences
Promptly address conditions or deficiencies that could result in a spill or release of hazardous or regulated material, or other harm to the environment
Promptly respond to any incident resulting in a spill or release of hazardous or regulated material, or other harm to the environment
Participate in the conduct of incident investigations, and effectively disseminate information and lessons learned from any incidents to improve environmental performance
Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of our environmental management processes through performance assessments, reviews and adaptive management to implement alternative or additional controls or procedures
Comply with applicable laws, regulations and other environmental requirements
Polaris Environmental Consultants Ltd
Peter Frederiksen
June 15, 2016
POLARIS Environmental Consultants Ltd
Polaris Environmental Consultants Ltd